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The Drone Santa and his Christmas Tree

Welcome to the world where Santa has abandoned his Reindeers & elves and has employed drone deers & drone elves. A magical tree.


The Drone Santa and his Christmas Tree is an innovative Christmas Tree which is really attractive and cost-efficient. THE EXTERIOR & THE INTERIOR The Exterior of the Christmas Tree is lush green, but wait, that not it. It has a serial of LEDs that are amazingly arranged helically. The Serial llights blink in such a way that it forms a helical moving pattern similar to the swirl of a wand. It is animated like a Santa Claus with his drone deers coming down from the top of the star to the ground and entering the tree through the tunnel. Inside the tunnel, the Santa Claus goes from up towards the star placed at the top of the tree. As he goes up, the gifts and confetti drop from the his bag, which suddenly turn out to be real gifts and is brought down and handed over to the people inside the tree using drones. These drones are real and have colour LEDs in them. Frequently these drone swarms join together to form different attractive shapes. A Story can be added to this tree. This would be a huge attraction and would be a treat to the eye.


