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Magic infinity X-mas lights

Become one with the universe: combine lights with mirrors & water to experience the Magic X-mas lights. Take pictures & share it!


This idea is inspired by the "Kusama Installation" shown in the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Copenhagen. One of the most famous pieces in the collection. This installation gets huge attention in social media (on the right of the picture you can see my experience). First, the external appearance of the Christmas tree should be a combination of different colors representing X-mas lights. The magic happens inside the Christmas tree. The walls and ceilings have to be covered with mirrors in the room of 4 by 4 meters. Hundred lamps that change color hang from the ceiling above. The floor is a reflecting pool and you stand in the middle of the water on a platform. This setup can be customized to a variety of experiences depending on the culture and the specific use case. This tree creates a dream like escape of the stressful daily life during Christmas.

