Message from the Sky ...
New way to send a handwritten christmas card ...
Inside the “Sky Tree” visitor can handwriting a message on a touch screen by using an electronic pen and then save it in a server after entering the mobile number or email address of the recipient and select a Musich Theme. Once the message is stored on the central server the the screen and pathmarking will be turned off and white led lights with different brightness will slowly shine in the ceiling (an infinite starry sky will be created by using mirrors) with musical background. At the end of the flying lantern ascent, when it will be not visible anymore, visitors can will admire a realistic mid-air projection of the northern light. After 60 seconds northern light and stars will disappear and the pathmarking will illuminate to guide the visitor out of the tree. A text or email is send to the recipient, it is an invite to physically go into the Sky Tree to get the message by using an alphanumerical code; the message contains also a link to a web site to get a list of the Sky Trees in the world, it means that it's possible to send a message to everybody in the world. The recipient has to enter the code in the screen, after validation the screen and pathmarking will be turned off and white led lights with different brightness will slowly shine in the ceiling (an infinite starry sky will be created by using mirrors) with musical background and the message scrolling in the sky. The tree interior has to be totally black and dark to avoid light refraction. Mirrors are mounted in the ceiling, upper part of the internal walls and on the floors. An “Holonet” (it's an invisible screen projector) is mounted at the middle air and a projector hide in a corner. Stars are made by using wires of leds dangling by the ceiling, some of those leds are adressable led, so they can be dimmed individually. I took inspiration from an art Installation: Holonet: