Detailed User Briefing
Your task is to design a visualized concept including a detailed technical description on how to measure, aggregate and process noise data - basing on existing urban infrastructure or already existing data sources. This can either be hardware or software
Questions to go along:
Who will use the application or product?
Which insights and value can you get out of these data?
We are looking for approaches that:
- contribute value for the citizens, e.g. helps them to find a quieter place to live when they plan to move or use the sound of urban railways for predictive maintenance
- provide not necessarily an integrated concept, but relevant approaches that can be integrated into a noise platform
- are suitable in everyday life (e.g. that doesn’t require that you carry around a huge loudspeaker all day)
- compliant to data protection (e.g. no individual-related data)
The focus of this challenge are urban areas in Europe. Please feel free to submit your approach in German if this is easier for you.
We are looking for visualized concept including a detailed technical description (hardware and/or software). Please also describe the specific problem you solve and the value you provide (e.g. predictive maintenance or real estate valuation). The concept should be based on technology that is already available and that can be quickly implemented (so please do not plan to bring 10 new satellites into the orbit or to produce an army of air taxis).
Evaluation Criteria
The jury and the coaches will evaluate the ideas based on the following criteria:
- Feasibility – realistic to actually implement
- Potential profitability
- Possible speed of implementation
- Level of innovation
- In line with applicable law – you do not have to do your own research on that, when in doubt, just ask and we will provide answers
- User acceptance – privacy protection and suitability in everyday life
- Value and relevance (in the sense of beating noise pollution)
- Start of the Submission Phase: 09.2.2021 16:00 CET
- End of the Submission Phase: 21.3.2021 23:59 CET
- Winner Announcement: 25.3.2021 - 30.3.2021